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Soccer Lightweight sub-league for all team members between 14 and 19 year of age on July 1st.

Soccer Lightweight games are played with a well-balanced electronic ball. The ball emits infrared (IR) light in so called “pulsed mode”.


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Soccer Open sub-league for all team members between 14 and 19 year of age on July 1st.

Soccer Open games are played with an orange golf ball.


Soccer Entry Lightweight aims to provide an entry-level ruleset for RoboCup Junior Soccer that is harmonized across regions and that may be used as-is or adapted to specific needs at regional and super-regional tournaments.

Soccer Entry Lightweight games are played with a well-balanced electronic ball. The ball emits infrared (IR) light in so called “pulsed mode”. Note that the same ball is used in the RoboCupJunior Soccer Lightweight as well.

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